Friday, September 14, 2007

My First Blog

Here' s a little way for those who care about our small family to keep up with us. I'll introduce us: Mike- the police officer, Me (Brittany) -the nanny, Baby Clay Morgan -born May 9, 2007, Lindsay -our notorious chocolate cocker spaniel whose hobbies include eating overnight company's undergarments and dirty diapers, Lilly -our black cat who likes to eat pacifiers, and Landry, our siamesish cat whom Mike thinks smoked weed as a kitten.
Let me start our first blog by saying that Mike cannot understand why anyone would care or want to know about what happens in our house at any given time enough to read a blog. On the other hand, he has no idea how many other people's blogs I read just to see the boring details of their lives and just to read about their new babies, husbands, hangnails, etc. So, even if Mike is right and no one really cares about what happens in our world, I will still have a written account of some of what goes on in our house to reflect back on (when I have loads of free time). So, here's to our blogging journey!