On Christmas Eve, we were joined by Mike's aunt and uncle and their family at Mike's parents' house. We exchanged gifts, had a nice dinner and visited. I kept trying to tell Clay about Santa but I don't think he'll really catch on for a couple more years.
Clay the Reindeer
Carolina's Christmas Eve outfit (I couldn't find what I wanted in her size so I made her this onesie instead- she loved it! )
Our little family
Carolina's Christmas Eve pajamas
We spent Christmas morning at Mike's parents' house opening all of our presents from each other. Clay was so preoccupied with his stuff from Santa that he didn't even open his stuff from us until that night.
Clay with one of his new toys
Mike and I got so many cool things this year. We just keep talking about how blessed we feel. The funniest part about my gifts is that I got two of them last year also. Once the cat ate the collar on my brand new wool coat and I ran over my Bluetooth all within a week of Christmas last year, Mike decided I might need replacements this year. I also got a really cool label maker (the OCD person in side of me was so happy!). My present for Mike was a Wii (but I'm hoping he'll share it!).
Clay and Carolina made out like bandits! I have been shopping for most of the year trying to find all of the best deals on cool toys. I did learn a rookie parenting lesson this year, though. I got so excited about finding good deals and making sure the children had a really fun Christmas that I WAY overbought and Clay was overwhelmed. If he had gotten a third of what we bought him he would have been thrilled. Next year, I'm cutting back to just a few special presents and I think it will be so much more meaningful. Lesson learned!
New blocks
After we opened gifts at Mike's parents', we went to my sister's house. It's always fun to watch her kids open gifts because we put so much thought into what we get them and they always deliver on priceless expressions and squealing with joy. Mike was so excited about this hair beader that he found for my niece (how that happened I still don't know...) and that girl had those beads in her hair within minutes of opening the rest of her presents. Way to go, Uncle Mike! We had a nice dinner and Clay enjoyed playing with his cousin Brittan's new toys.
My dad and all of his grandchildren
Clay getting in touch with his feminine side
When we left my sister's we headed back to the country to Mike's Grandma Susie's house. She lives on some land in the country and has what could only be described as a mini-petting zoo. Clay got to hand feed cows, pet chickens and pigs and ride on a donkey. The best part was when he lost his shoe in the pig pen and Mike's dad had to rescue it. What a fun time for our city boy!
A True Pig StyBy the end of the day we were all exhausted. Driving from the country to the city and back to the country can be tiring (4 hours total on Christmas Day!). We had such a wonderful Christmas!
1 comment:
I love that death stare of Carolina's in her Christmas pj's. Maybe someone was getting a little tired of all the pictures. :)
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